The princess has been kidnapped by a miner who ventured so deep in the earth that he lost his mind. Legend has it, while he was down there he learned black magic from the devil. Pete, only you can save the princess and defeat the Miner!

Made for Cover Up #3 and the Game Breaker's Toolkit Jam #11.

Note: there seems to be an issue with the web version where it freezes in the castle. If this happens to you, please try the Windows version.


  • Arrow keys, left stick: move, enter doors (up)
  • Z key, Xbox A button: jump, confirm (in a menu)
  • X key, Xbox X/B buttons: run (hold), swing ax
  • Alt+F, Alt+Enter, F11: toggle fullscreen
    • Hold Shift for exclusive fullscreen, if that works better for you.



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